Saturday, November 30, 2019

Motivational Theories free essay sample

Carefully select workers who possess skills and abilities that match the needs of the task, and train them to perform the task according to the established rules and procedures. 4. Carefully select workers who possess skills and abilities that match the needs of the task, and train them to perform the task according to the established rules and procedures. George Elton Mayo (1880 -1949) Mayo had discovered a fundamental concept. Working places should be like as a social environments and good relationship should be maintained between all the workers. People are motivated by much more than self-interest. Mayo concluded that workers are best motivated by: Better communication between managers and workers Greater manager involvement in employees working lives Working in groups or teams. In practice therefore businesses should re-organise production to encourage greater use of team working and introduce personnel departments to encourage greater manager involvement in looking after employees’ interests. His theory most closely fits in with a paternalistic style of management. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivational Theories or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Working places should be like as a social environments and good relationship should be maintained between all the workers. People are motivated by much more than self-interest George Elton Mayo (1880 -1949) Mayo had discovered a fundamental concept. Working places should be like as a social environments and good relationship should be maintained between all the workers. People are motivated by much more than self-interest. Mayo concluded that workers are best motivated by: Better communication between managers and workers Greater manager involvement in employees working lives Working in groups or teams. In practice therefore businesses should re-organise production to encourage greater use of team working and introduce personnel departments to encourage greater manager involvement in looking after employees’ interests. His theory most closely fits in with a paternalistic style of management. Working places should be like as a social environments and good relationship should be maintained between all the workers. People are motivated by much more than self-interest Leading to Satisfaction- * Achievement * Recognition * Work itself * Responsibility * Advancement * Growth Leading to Satisfaction- * Achievement * Recognition * Work itself * Responsibility * Advancement * Growth Leading to Dissatisfaction- * Company policy * Supervision * Relationship w/Boss amp; Peers * Work conditions * Salary Leading to Dissatisfaction- * Company policy * Supervision * Relationship w/Boss amp; Peers * Work conditions * Salary Frederick Irving Herzberg (1923 –2000) To better understand employee attitudes and motivation, Frederick Herzberg performed studies to determine which factors in an employees work environment caused satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Frederick Irving Herzberg (1923 –2000) To better understand employee attitudes and motivation, Frederick Herzberg performed studies to determine which factors in an employees work environment caused satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Abraham Harold Maslow (1908  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ1970) The Hierarchy of Needs-The hierarchy of human needs model suggests that human needs will only be fulfilled one level at a time. Maslow used the term metamotivation to describe self-actualized people who are driven by innate forces beyond their basic needs, so that they may explore and reach their full human potential Abraham Harold Maslow (1908  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ1970) The Hierarchy of Needs-The hierarchy of human needs model suggests that human needs will only be fulfilled one level at a time. Maslow used the term metamotivation to describe self-actualized people who are driven by innate forces beyond their basic needs, so that they may explore and reach their full human potential Principles to increase efficiency; 1. Study the way workers perform their tasks, gather all the informal job knowledge that workers posses, and experiment with ways of improving how tasks are performed. 2. Codify the new methods of performing tasks into written rules and standard operating procedures. Principles to increase efficiency; 3. Study the way workers perform their tasks, gather all the informal job knowledge that workers posses, and experiment with ways of improving how tasks are performed.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Causes of Poverty

Causes of Poverty Free Online Research Papers â€Å"Most people have an idea of what it means to be poor. Many think of conditions such as hunger, homelessness, preventable diseases, unemployment, and illiteracy as elements of poverty †(pg1;Alters). In my eyes poverty is the condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support. Usually people living in poverty lack the essentials; for instants water, food, and shelter. .There are many causes of poverty, all though not all are accepted universally. Poverty is said to be cause by climate, Environment ,Geographic factor, lack of natural resources, Disease, lacking rule of law and also lack of democracy, infrastructure, health car, education, Government corruption, free trade, racial discrimination and overpopulation. I personally feel and agree that it is caused by all these factors. I think that the main reason for poverty is Government corruption and lack of education. As you may notice many countries living in poverty do not have an organized or democratic g overnment. Many scholars have named Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Monarchy, Fascism and Totalitarianism as causes of poverty. There are many causes of poverty and how it can be measured.â€Å"Poverty researchers refer to two types of poverty: absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty means that a persons income is not sufficient to afford basic goods and services. Relative poverty compares a persons income to the median (average) household income in that country. Thus, it measures the gap between an income able to afford typical goods and services and incomes below that level†(page75.Alters). Absolute poverty is also considered when a percentage of a population is eating less food than is required to sustain the human body which is 1200-1700 calories for women and 2000-2500 calories for men. Extreme poverty is when one is living on less then one US$ per day. Relative poverty measures the extent to which a households financial resources falls below an average income for the economy. Many criticize these measurements since in parts of the world as East and South Asia have decreased in th e population of extreme poverty from 28 percent to 21 percent from 1990 to 2001. On the other hand other regions as Sub- Saharan Africa have had an increase of extreme poverty from 41 percent to 48 percent from 1990 to 2001. â€Å"Many people throughout the world are in poverty because they are unemployed or underemployed and live in areas where economic opportunities are severely limited†(page13.Alters). I feel that the reason many people are unemployment and living in poverty is due to the lack of education and government structure. â€Å"When world leaders meet in New York in September they will laud the progress that has been made on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), note somberly that much more needs to be done and then promise to do more before 2015 to get them on track.With 1.4 billion living below the $1.25-a-day global poverty line, the number of hungry or undernourished people rising above one billion as food prices have risen, many countries a long way from the human development goals, and rich countries focused on austerity, these leaders will find it hard to be upbeat.† (Journel.David Hulme) I get the sense that the government is realizing that they have been at fault and that their actions need to to speak louder then their words. I feel if education was imposed upon the youth in developing countries and in general countries around the world the people and government would support each in economical growth and people would be able to excel and come out of poverty. I feel that poverty should be considered as not being able to live a comfortably, not having a place to live, and not being able to provide the basic needs for your self and family like food, water, medical attention, and an education. I have known many people that are living in poverty and don’t attend school so that they could work to help their family survive in America. America is not a poor country ;I could imagine how the people from countries like Africa, and Dominican Republic live. I am Dominican and Puerto Rican. When I go to Dominican Republic I see how these children are on the streets asking for money. I see that if it weren’t for there corrupt government which doesn’t provide their people with home and shelter the children would be living in these conditions. On the other hand I was in Puerto Rico is a common wealth, you can see the difference between Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. I did not see any children on the streets asking for money in P uerto Rico. Other indications show that the poverty rate is improving due to increase of Life expectancy since WW2. On the other hand poverty has its effects; Two of many effects are starvation and hunger and human trafficking. Hunger is the painful sensation or state of weakness caused by the need of food and starvation is a state of extreme hunger resulting from lack of essential nutrients over a prolonged period. When a person is hunger they experience stomach contractions. In my case of experience mild pain in my stomach called hunger pangs. A single hunger contraction lasts about 30 seconds. It is said that Hunger pangs usually do not begin until 12 to 24 hours after the last ingestion of food, in starvation. In 2003 more than 25,000 people died of starvation according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. When a person starves they lose large amounts of fat and muscle mass as the body breaks down these tissues for energy. This process is called Catabolysis which is the body breaking down muscles and other tissues in order to keep very important systems working in th e body such as the nervous system and heart muscle. Another reason for starvation is the lack of vitamins which leads to the development of anemia, beriberi, pellagra, and scurvy these diseases then lead to diarrhea, skin rashes, edema, and heart failure. Another effect of poverty is Human trafficking. Women are taken against their will and used as sex slaves for money . Some women are tricked into scams since the men who take them captive tell them they are going to bring them to a country like America and will provide them with a job where they could make money and help their families. Not only women are trafficked but children also. Newborn are stolen to be given to a rich couples who are infertile and want to adopting a child. In conclusion we see how there are different measurements of poverty and the different effects poverty have on men, women, and children. Poverty is the condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support. Usually people living in poverty lack the essential as water, food, and shelter. Poverty is said to be cause by climate, Environment ,Geographic factor, lack of natural resources, Disease, lacking rule of law and also lack of democracy, infrastructure, health car, education, Government corruption, free trade, racial discrimination and overpopulation. Research Papers on Causes of PovertyStandardized TestingInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesTwilight of the UAWThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationBringing Democracy to AfricaRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraDefinition of Export QuotasResearch Process Part OneQuebec and Canada

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Make a Colored Campfire

How to Make a Colored Campfire A campfire always adds warmth and excitement to an outdoor experience, but you can easily kick it up a notch by coloring the flames. There are several ways to achieve the effect, so you can choose one that works best for you. Sprinkle Chemicals on the Campfire You can buy little packets of chemicals to sprinkle over a campfire to make colored flames, but its easy to make these yourself. Simply add chemicals to a zipper plastic bag and add them to the fire. Its best to add chemicals after youre done cooking, to avoid any chance of accidental contamination. These chemicals arent very toxic, so they wont produce dangerous smoke or harm the ground. white - magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt)yellow - sodium chloride (table salt)green - borax (laundry booster or roach powder), boric acid powder (disinfectant), or copper sulfate (algae treatment)blue - copper chloridepurple - potassium chloride (salt substitute)pink - lithium (from a battery) or lithium chloridered - strontium nitrate or strontium chloride (in emergency road flares)orange - iron oxide (rust) Most of these chemicals you can get at a grocery store. Others you can order online. There are also many more chemicals that produce colored fire, based on the flame test, but be sure to check how safe one of these other chemicals is before adding it to a campfire. A word of advice: if you can, avoid adding yellow (sodium chloride) because it will overpower all the other colors! Anyway, a campfire is mostly orange and yellow, so you dont really need those colors. My personal preference is just to use copper sulfate. Why? The salt manages to produce almost the entire spectrum of colors all on its own, plus copper is already present in relatively high concentration in soils. Its also pretty easy to find. Burn Driftwood If your campfire is located near the beach, you can get a colored fire simply by burning driftwood. Driftwood produces an eerie blue to purple flame. The natural salts that have soaked into the wood to produce the color also produce a smoke that isnt good to breathe, plus you should not cook over a driftwood campfire, but on a still night, the effect is breathtaking. Add Chemicals to Paper, Sawdust, or Pinecones Another way to make a colored campfire is to add pre-treated paper, sawdust, or pinecones to the fire. Make a mixture of the desired material with one of the coloring chemicals and a small amount of water or rubbing alcohol. Some chemicals dissolve better in rubbing alcohol, producing better results. Let the chemical solution soak in ​for several hours or overnight. Allow your material to dry. You may want to spread it out a bit to speed up the process. You can pack it in a paper or plastic bag, and carry it with you on your camping trip. Toss a treated pinecone, handful of sawdust, or crumpled sheet of treated paper into the campfire to color the flames.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American Enlightenment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American Enlightenment - Essay Example The essay compares and analyses drug reform policy and the tools of American enlightenment within the framework of different aspects. Comparative Analysis According to the social contract, the policy reforms does not belief that citizens are the ones able to bring down the supply, distribution, marketing, and manufacture of harmful drug. Therefore, the policy reform does not give citizens the mandatory to decide about ways of reducing drug consumption; it only gives the solution to the problem without regards from its citizen. On the hand, one of the American enlightened group oppose the reforms and argue that it is the American citizens to decide their fate. They advocate that, drug addiction in the community should be addressed as the public health problem and not as criminal issue as the reform stipulates (Koch, 2009, p. 45). According to the reform policy it calls for decriminalization of citizens involved in supply, marketing distribution, and manufacturer. Contrary to the refor m, other groups in America strongly disagree with the move of decriminalization of citizen as a result of possessing illegal drugs. On the classical liberalism, it advocates for policies which allows or increase prosperity among citizens. The policy on drug reform does not allow free trade and world peace. According to the policy, it will decriminalize any citizen involved in illegal drugs either through supply, marketing, or manufacture of the drug. Although the policy intents to reduce penalties that it is currently imposed to those involved in drug trafficking, it does not allow free trade to occur (Koch, 2009, p. 45). Therefore, drug reform law does not empower the drug users or offer solution to the menace. In regards to the policy, the central purpose of drug decriminalization was to reduce harm to the society and not allow businesses of drug to continue; it is believed to be the cause of death, over use, and deaths. Contrary to the drug reform policy, the American enlightened group opposes the reform citing that it does not consider the large population that supplies drugs. According to Americans for safe access and high times freedom fighters, they strongly advocate the reform on drug policy, calling for the government to license those that are involved in the supply and marketing the drugs. According to the group, they support free trade and world peace; they believe that after licensing the business people, it will lead to the free trade hence reducing the gap between poor and rich. In relation with the group, they term that it is only those whom are rich that benefit from drug trafficking; they are able to corrupt officers of the government. Therefore, to lessen poverty among the community; drug suppliers, and distributers should be allowed to trade freely. For that reason, the groups concern is in relation to the classical liberalism On elitism, the reform policy allows legalization of some drugs that are currently prohibited by United States gover nment. The policy states that, some drugs need to be fully legalized some of the regulated drugs. The legalized drugs should remain under the government; it should control the flow of the drugs (Koch, 2009, p. 45). The government should ensure that these drugs are well labeled; on the label it should contain the dosage for an individual to consume and the medical

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business Systems Analysis and Decision Support Essay

Business Systems Analysis and Decision Support - Essay Example following three ways will go a long way in ensuring the development of a satisfactory MIS; Business System Planning (BSP), Critical success factor (CSF) and then we have the End/Means (E/M) Analysis (Lotfi & Pegels 1986 pg. 86-102). This is one and the most vital way of determining the requirements of an MIS in MagiCo operations and in any other multinational organization. This methodology is pre-formulated by IBM itself and therefore it is standard for any form of organization that intends to use its applications. This methodology goes a long way in first establishing and listing down all the priorities in terms of Information System of the organization. One of the ways it does this is by identifying the way data is maintained in the system. To arrive at this important requirement, the relevant parties will use data architecture supporting applications (Lotfi & Pegels 1986 pg. 86-102). This will go a long way in defining the classes of data by employing the use of different matrices. As a result, relationship is established within the organization and its processes as well as the data requirements. Because of this approach, MagiCo will be able to find and establish the requirements of its system in the broad c ategorical approaches. The approach as developed by John Rockart takes the dimension of identifying the key business goals and the strategies as are planned to be applied by each manager. These are combined with those of the overall business and a comparison is thereafter made. The business and the management goals are then evaluated and this results into the establishment of the Critical Success Factors that underlie these broad goals and objectives. The identification of the CSFs will mean that the irrelevant factors are eliminated forthwith leaving the analyst with the next step of the CSF analysis (Lotfi & Pegels 1986 pg. 86-102). This is the measure of the effectiveness of CSF an activity which will go ahead in defining the requirements of the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A League of Their Own Essay Example for Free

A League of Their Own Essay In A League of Their Own, a girls baseball league was started while the professional male baseball players, along with many other men, were across seas fighting in World War II. This movie takes place in 1943. A group of ladies left their homes to become part of the All-American Girls Baseball League to keep the baseball traditions alive. In this movie, gender roles are crossed. After years of perpetrating the image of the docile little women who sat at home caring for her lord and master, American society suddenly found that it needed women who were competent to do hard skilled work during World War II (Ebert). This was alarming to the nation and threatening to some. During one of the scenes, a radio announcer announces that the league was dangerous to society. She called it sexual confusion. Much of the country began to worry about what type of women the men would have to come back to. Society believes that women should be sensitive and nurturing, not competitive. At this time, women were also running the businesses and factories. Working in factories and playing competitive sports were considered to be the role of the males. Women are to be sensitive, nurturing, and open (Johnsen). By playing sports and working in factories, women began to take over some more masculine traits. This was threatening to the men. They saw this as loosing control. Women play many parts in mens struggle for control. One part that women play is to support the idea that men and women are fundamentally different because this gives men a clear and unambiguous turf masculinity on which to pursue control in competition with one another (Johnsen). This threatened mens role and their sense of control. This threatened their masculinity. Even though women were now taking over the factories and sports while the men were away, there still were many politics involved. Instead of this new baseball league being looked at as a competitive sport, it was more of a show. One of the scouts in this movie did not want to take one of the most outstanding baseball players because she wasnt pretty. The scout finds her too homely for the league (Brown). Also, they were forced to wear skirt outfits to play in the dirt. When the women complained about that, the male instructor commented that they should be glad he isnt going to make them all wear bathing suits to play in. As if the uniforms werent discrimination enough, each and every girl had to take classes at a charm and beauty school. Here, they taught these women how to be ladies. They critiqued them in every way. They walked around and inspected each one, ordering for haircuts, eyebrow waxings, etc. When they reached the homely Marla, they were stumped as to what to do. They didnt see anyone being able to make a lady out of her. One instructor asked the other what she suggested. All the women could reply back was a lot of night games. She said this about one of the best players in the league. Also at the school, the ladies were taught how to sip not slurp tea, cross their legs appropriately, walk with grace, and balance a book on their head to promote a more graceful, feminine posture. As the movie continues, this so called womens league wasnt drawing in any profits and was threatened with closing down. This devastated the girls in the league. This league gave them something to speak of, something of their own, a sense of pride rather than just cooking and cleaning. In order to keep the league continuing, the girls had to draw attention and draw a crowd. It started to turn into a circus. The girls had to do splits to make plays more interesting, slid while the guys on the sidelines got a glimpse up their skirts, anything to make it more interesting and less threatening. At first the women were not given the respect they deserved for their hard work. Nobody believed that these housewives could play hard ball. Once the girls proved themselves, the men and the rest of society got threatened and still didnt watch. Until the sport became a show, it wasnt approved of. The girls had contests with the game to make it more interesting. One contest was called Catch a foul, win a kiss. This helps to illustrate that women are objects to be competed for, possessed, and used (Johnsen). Once the women began to make a show of the sport, the bleachers filled. Headlines began to read things such as Trading oven mitts for baseball mitts! and Diamonds, a Womens Best Friend. Women didnt receive their own league until it was the way the men wanted it. They werent to play competitively. It was to be more of a show. Women have gained only what men have been willing to grant; they have taken nothing, they have only received (Beauvoir). This is because men fear competition from women. If they are playing baseball and working in the factories, then what is the male role? Every woman who goes into medicine or law robs them of a job (Beauvoir). The men were threatened to what else the women would begin to do. Hollywood threw out its romance scripts and started making movies about strong, independent females and it was discovered that women could actually excel at professional sports (Ebert). This is a phenomenal movie that shows the power of women. It gets women out of the house and into the work force. It gets them doing just as the men. This was just the start of the women getting out of the house. Once the men came back from war, the women fought to keep their league alive. Many of the women in and outside of the league went on to be doctors and lawyers. Women were breaking out of the house whether the men were ready for it or not. The first girls in the league now have the own spot in the Baseball Hall of Fame. I believe that these women truly deserve this. Works Cited, Joe Brown, 1992, Ebert, 1992 Johnson, Allan G. 1997. The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press Beauvoir, Simone de. 1953. The Second Sex. Trans. And ed. H.M. Parshley. New Yourk: Alfred A. Knopf. Friedan, Betty. 1963. The Feninine Mystique. New York: Dell. (20th ann. Ed. Published by W.W. Norton, 1983.) A League of Their Own, 1992.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ethiopia Essay -- Economy Geography Ethiopia Essays

Ethiopia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It stands as one of the oldest nations of the world, dating back to 1000 BC when the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon. Ethiopia was a nation with promise, a nation with riches and the greatest Ivory market as far as the eye can see. So one would assume that Ethiopia is the place to live. Well if you have been to Ethiopia you would see this is not the case. Ethiopia is a povershed country where people are fighting to live everyday. There economy is nearly in ruins and there main export, is almost stolen from them. But the promise that Ethiopia had when the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon is still there. But in order to restore Ethiopia to its previous glory, we need your help. We need that $50 million to give life back to the Ethiopian people. General Facts Official Name: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Capital City: Addis Ababa Independence Day: September 12 Total Area: 1,127,127 km^2 Land Area: 1,119,683 km^2 Water Area: 7,444 km^2 Population: 72,400,000 Languages: Amharic, Tigrinya, Oromigna, Guaragigna, Somali, Arabic, other local languages, English (major foreign language taught in schools) Religion: Muslim 45%-50%, Ethiopian Orthodox 35%-40%, Animist 12%, Other 3%-8% Life Expectancy: 37 Currency: Birr (As of January 26, 2005, 1 birr = 0.14783 CAN, 1 CAN =6.764 birr) GDP: 700 (per capita) Labour Force by Occupation: agriculture and animal husbandry 80%; government and services 12%; industry and construction 8% Industries: food processing, beverages, textiles, chemicals, metals processing, cement Imports: coffee, qat, gold, leather products, live animals, oilseeds (Continued) Exports: food and live animals, petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, machinery, motor vehicles, cereals, textiles Problems Today Ethiopia has a very bad basic health status compared to other countries with a low income. The health service coverage is 50.4%. Almost one out of every ten babies who are born in Ethiopia dies in their first year. Mortality rate for those under five is also high; statistics show that one out of every six children dies before they turn five. Malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and HIV/AIDS dominate Ethiopia's problem of disease. Diseases such as meningitis, malaria, cholera, measles, and shigellosis have become epidemic. Economic Problems   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There ... ...g $300,000 dollars, we need to send peacemakers to Ethiopia and settle the dispute over the Eritrea territory. There is so much money wasted by the Ethiopian government towards the military that could be used to help the Ethiopian people. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As you may now realize, Ethiopia is almost a country in ruins. It is plagued with disease and war. No matter what the government does it still seems to get worse and the government still seems to be in billions of dollars in debt. But if you accept my proposal, you will see Ethiopia get back to its former economic glory. Once again, it will produce riches; the people of Ethiopia will get cleaner water and a job. Not a job on there farm where crops are ruined, but a job in industry. They will be trained. They will come out of debt. And in time, all the money that is owed to Canada will be repaid. This isn’t just a plan to help a country for a few months. This is a revolution. This plan will pave the way for all third world countries to come out of debt and give back to their people, what the people gave to there country. Countries will give life back to the people. So accept our proposal, it will help everyone in need. Ethiopia Essay -- Economy Geography Ethiopia Essays Ethiopia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It stands as one of the oldest nations of the world, dating back to 1000 BC when the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon. Ethiopia was a nation with promise, a nation with riches and the greatest Ivory market as far as the eye can see. So one would assume that Ethiopia is the place to live. Well if you have been to Ethiopia you would see this is not the case. Ethiopia is a povershed country where people are fighting to live everyday. There economy is nearly in ruins and there main export, is almost stolen from them. But the promise that Ethiopia had when the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon is still there. But in order to restore Ethiopia to its previous glory, we need your help. We need that $50 million to give life back to the Ethiopian people. General Facts Official Name: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Capital City: Addis Ababa Independence Day: September 12 Total Area: 1,127,127 km^2 Land Area: 1,119,683 km^2 Water Area: 7,444 km^2 Population: 72,400,000 Languages: Amharic, Tigrinya, Oromigna, Guaragigna, Somali, Arabic, other local languages, English (major foreign language taught in schools) Religion: Muslim 45%-50%, Ethiopian Orthodox 35%-40%, Animist 12%, Other 3%-8% Life Expectancy: 37 Currency: Birr (As of January 26, 2005, 1 birr = 0.14783 CAN, 1 CAN =6.764 birr) GDP: 700 (per capita) Labour Force by Occupation: agriculture and animal husbandry 80%; government and services 12%; industry and construction 8% Industries: food processing, beverages, textiles, chemicals, metals processing, cement Imports: coffee, qat, gold, leather products, live animals, oilseeds (Continued) Exports: food and live animals, petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, machinery, motor vehicles, cereals, textiles Problems Today Ethiopia has a very bad basic health status compared to other countries with a low income. The health service coverage is 50.4%. Almost one out of every ten babies who are born in Ethiopia dies in their first year. Mortality rate for those under five is also high; statistics show that one out of every six children dies before they turn five. Malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and HIV/AIDS dominate Ethiopia's problem of disease. Diseases such as meningitis, malaria, cholera, measles, and shigellosis have become epidemic. Economic Problems   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There ... ...g $300,000 dollars, we need to send peacemakers to Ethiopia and settle the dispute over the Eritrea territory. There is so much money wasted by the Ethiopian government towards the military that could be used to help the Ethiopian people. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As you may now realize, Ethiopia is almost a country in ruins. It is plagued with disease and war. No matter what the government does it still seems to get worse and the government still seems to be in billions of dollars in debt. But if you accept my proposal, you will see Ethiopia get back to its former economic glory. Once again, it will produce riches; the people of Ethiopia will get cleaner water and a job. Not a job on there farm where crops are ruined, but a job in industry. They will be trained. They will come out of debt. And in time, all the money that is owed to Canada will be repaid. This isn’t just a plan to help a country for a few months. This is a revolution. This plan will pave the way for all third world countries to come out of debt and give back to their people, what the people gave to there country. Countries will give life back to the people. So accept our proposal, it will help everyone in need.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Lucida the Lioness Essay

It was around the time of the 100 years war, the bitter battle between France and England. While the world was obsessed with creating empires there was one empire that existed on a plane beyond us. To silence the voice of lions was the intent of mankind. Many eons ago, the Lion did not roar, he spoke, loud from the mountain tops and filled the world with terror. He breathed fire onto the lands below and warned of the doom of the world should a savior not be found. The word of men assumed that that savior would be a man and did not look amongst women. The answer would come in the land of Lionire, whose king sought a solution to the endless battles and torments of the lions. The prophetess Clyra had told him that his strength lay not in a man or a god, but in a woman. She told him to set sail for an unknown land and was told that he would reach this place without needing a map. After months of travel and many toils, he landed on the Cypriot islands where he fell in love with a fisherman’s daughter. Lucida was beautiful and golden, unlike the maidens of his own land who were comparatively insipid. At Lionire, trouble was worse than ever before, the Lions burning the land to cinders. But Lucida sat in her parlor and looked out over the Purple Moors. She noticed on the far side, a group of hills to which she was unmistakably drawn. The sun shone high and Lucida took the road to the Lion Caves, although she knew not what awaited her. She walked and walked to a place where time stood still and even though she walked, seemed to be going nowhere. While the wind whipped through her golden hair and the sun shone on her deep gold skin, Alfred argued with his counsel that Lucida was the answer to the portent and the country’s prayers. Meanwhile, a messenger entered the counsel-room and announced that Lucida had disappeared. After a time, a herd boy entered saying he had seen her walking that morning. He told the counsel that Lucida was seen walking towards the Cractus caves where the great lions dwelt. The people searched and searched for days and could find no trace of Lucida. After the 5th day it was assumed she had been taken by the Lion, yet the search party could go no further than the entrance to the caves. Alfred gathered his troops and set off to war, but it was not with the fear that he had carried for years. He had a peace that Lucida was alive and that she was the chosen one. So, Lucida had looked up at the hills above her and seen the gigantic lion looking down at her, she had known fear like this before but her name meant ‘the light in the dark’ and she spoke clearly to the Lion of Cractus. â€Å"If I am to dine with you or to be dined upon, this is my destiny and I am here to honor it. † One step at a time, she walked into the caves and reached out towards the Lion who came to her as a kitten would. And Lucida spoke to the great lion of Cractus and the lion himself told Lucida that he was seeking a peaceful existence between man and animal, and that if she formed a pact with him, his voice would be silenced and no more people from Lionire would be killed at the lions den. He told her that she needed to gather the women of Lionire to go to battle with their men, that they should be a partnership and not of subordination. When Lucida came down from the hills on the 6th day, she was bright and engulfed in an expanding light that the entire Lionire could see. Alfred sat astride his horse and looked out at the impossible army he was supposed to defeat. They were outnumbered 5 to 1. On her return, Lucida gathered the woman of Lionire together and those who were able to fight and they marched to the battle-fields where the enemy would be defeated. On her return, it was known that Lucida had fulfilled the prophecy and had been blessed by the great Lion of Cractus. Thereafter, not a single Lionirian citizen was ever to be killed again by a lion of the Cractus caves. She became known as Lucida the Lioness and peace reigned over the country until Lucida’s apparent death. She was known to have emancipated the women of Lionire, giving them the right to fight for their country. As a result, Lionire held the finest army in the land, its women numbering amongst its warriors. It is said that a hundred years later, Lucida took the path to the caves one last time and was never seen again. The lion’s voice was silenced and in its place was a roar that still chills the blood of those who hear it. It is a symbol what the world used to be and of the strength of a woman who was able to lead an army.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Problems Related to Internet Addiction on Children Essay

Internet could be considered as one of the best useful technological invention of our time. One can find every kind of information which s/he looks for on the internet. Because it is very useful, it is used by almost everybody especially by young people. Sometimes using internet too much may cause a serious problem named â€Å"internet addiction†, which affects mostly children. Internet addiction is a serious problem affecting especially children in two possible ways. Firstly addiction to internet influences children negatively regarding their socialisation. Children are affected by internet addiction because it takes too much time. For example, children who spend too much time with computer can not spend enough time with their family. They can not have fun enough with their family. So they evaluate a weak relationship with their family. In addition, spending too much time with computer instead of reading books may cause a weak talking skill. Moreover, not playing classical children games might affect children’s socialisation. Children who spend time with computer instead of playing classical children games with their friends because of internet addiction will probably have weak social relationships in future. Having good childhood friends is vital for having a good adulthood social life. Also, they can not learn how to struggle with real people outside because of lack of playing classical children games. It may cause being unsuccessful in their work life in future. Secondly, using too much internet might contribute to psychological problems in children. Overuse may cause increasing desire to use internet related to insufficient joy. Children addicted to internet can not get the same joy with their first internet using. The jot decreases day by day. They increase their daily internet using time in order to reach the same joy with the joy which they get previous day. Overuse may also cause being aggressive and anxious when being kept away from internet for a long time. These symptoms may even turn into symptoms of depression. Furthermore, children addicted to internet could become not to able to differentiate real life from online life. They may be extremely happy when they reach a higher level in an online game. They do not care about as much as they care about online games. They also identify themselves with virtual characters in online games. To sum up, internet addiction may cause two possible problems on which are related to their socialisation and psychology. Children should be protected from internet addiction in order to be raised as a healthy generation. Parents should make their children attend real activities (such as scouting). They also should limit their children’s internet using time.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Subject Boring

Subject Boring Here lately, Ive been running wide out with deadlines and tasks atop of sick relatives, surgery, a new puppy, and the ice storm from hell. That not only throws me in high gear, but it also makes me sort at a glance much like an agent. Sort what, you might ask? Emails, blogs to read, submissions for FundsforWriters, and requests for reviews. And you might be surprised at the key factor I use in deleting or holding to read. The quality of the subject line. Hey, when time is crazy limited, and I have chapters to write and newsletters to prepare, something has to give. Im a fast reader Yeah, that latter part sounds stupid, but that literally runs through my head. Will I regret having missed this? Butit has to start with the subject. Okay, lets talk about whats good and whats not. Ive snared these good ones from the past week. They got my attention and dragged me to their sites. How Much Should a Writer Charge for Speaking? How I Read Slush: 3 Lessons for Writers. 5 Ways to Add Humor to Your Writing. What doesnt work for me when Im in a pinch is general stuff like these. They tell me nothing. And unless the person being interviewed in the story is a huge household name, whats going to draw me in to read about an unknown? When writing about a relatively unknown individual, at least use the subject to spark interest. How to Write Better How to Build a Platform A Conversation with Novelist (fill in the blank) An Interview with (fill in the blank) A Visit with (fill in the blank) A Talk about Writing Rules On the line is something like: 3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Published Three Is in the subject line tells me this piece is about the author, and not necessarily with focus on me and my needs. But I like learning about mistakes so I dont make them. This one is iffy. And if I happen to open up the piece, I scan first. Headers and subheaders then tell me whether to invest my time. Im not making this up! We read about this all the time. Agents, editors and publishers scan. They also have deadlines, sick relatives, surgery and snow. They have the same 24 hours as we do . . . and most of them actually have a life afterwards! So, after youve poured your heart and soul and deep intellect into a piece, whether its a blog post, a list post, or a submission, take serious time to title it skillfully. Think over-the-top wording because thats what captures a readers interest. If your subject doesnt snag them, they never get to read your beautiful words that follow.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Administrative law in Public Policy

The manholes are public utilities that are owned by municipals, regional authorities, or even companies which are hired to maintain them.   They are mainly used as access points to underground utility vaults for sewers, electricity, telephone storm drains and gas (Buckley, 2004). A fall into a manhole caused by negligence is cause enough to sue.   In this case if you can prove beyond reasonable doubt that if the authority in charge of that particular network of manhole into which you fell did not properly maintain or inspect the manholes, then, you may stand a chance of winning the case.   The ‘person’ to be sued in this case would be the authority responsible for the particular public utility, for which that particular manhole is used for (Buckley, 2004). To win, you would have to offer sufficient evidence to prove that the Authority in question had actual or constructive notice of the condition of the manhole as required by the utilities service facilities exception to governmental immunity act which provides that, â€Å"A dangerous condition of the facilities of steam, sewer water way, except that the claimant to recover must establish that the dangerous condition created a reasonably foreseeable risk of the kind of injury which was incurred and the local agency had actual notice under the circumstance of the dangerous condition at a sufficient time prior to the event to have taken measures to protect against the dangerous condition†, as per sec. 8542 (b) (5) (Buckley, 2004).   Failure to prove this would result in a compulsory no suit. Reference Buckley, W. Okent, C. (2004). Torts and Personal Injury Law (The west Legal studies series) New York: Clifton Park: Delmar Learning.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Fall of the Berlin Wall Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Fall of the Berlin Wall - Essay Example Those in charge of the Eastern Bloc felt that this migration would lead to a so-called â€Å"brain drain†, particularly as many of the migrants were young and well-educated . The East also felt that the West, particularly West Germany, was still under fascist influences , and these two fears lead to the feeling that such migration should be stopped and the erection of the Inner German Border, separating the two areas of Germany but allowing traffic to flow freely between the two areas of Berlin, despite the city being occupied by separate powers .  Due to Berlin’s more open nature, there were fears that the emigration to the West would continue. Nikita Khrushchev, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at the time, is implicated in making the suggestion that the Berlin Wall be erected and President John F. Kennedy is thought to have implied that no resistance would be made against the erection of such a border . Shortly following this, a deal w as made to finalize the plans, and the border was closed by military officials and barbed wire in the early days of August 1961, with the concrete elements of the wall shortly following. From this date until November 1989, it was nearly impossible to cross between the two areas of Berlin.Wall. The Cold War was a state of political tension between the West (headed by the U.S.) and the East (headed by the Soviet Union) which never showed direct military action but was symbolized by the constant threat of nuclear war.... ration should be stopped and the erection of the Inner German Border, separating the two areas of Germany but allowing traffic to flow freely between the two areas of Berlin, despite the city being occupied by separate powers5. Due to Berlin’s more open nature, there were fears that the emigration to the West would continue. Nikita Khrushchev, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at the time, is implicated in making the suggestion that the Berlin Wall be erected and President John F. Kennedy is thought to have implied that no resistance would be made against the erection of such a border6. Shortly following this, a deal was made to finalize the plans, and the border was closed by military officials and barbed wire in the early days of August 1961, with the concrete elements of the wall shortly following. From this date until November 1989, it was nearly impossible to cross between the two areas of Berlin. The End of the Wall and the War The Cold War had a huge part to play in the construction and fall of the Berlin Wall. The Cold War was a state of political tension between the West (headed by the U.S.) and the East (headed by the Soviet Union) which never showed direct military action but was symbolized by the constant threat of nuclear war7. Ronald Reagan was one of the most influential figures of the Cold War and its end, signing an agreement to ban intermediate-range nuclear weapons with the then-Soviet Genera l Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev8. Reagan also challenged Gorbachev to tear down the wall, symbolizing as it did the oppressive regime of the Soviet Union and everything that the President stood against. At the same time, much of the Soviet economies were stagnant and revolutions in Poland and the Baltic States were well underway,